So we are moving to Langley on Saturday. Pretty excited for that. We are moving into a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom with a two car garage top two stories of a house. It will be nice to have more space. Set up Kyras bedroom, have an office, and a spare room and then i dont know an empty room. We have a lot of storage in the garage. We are also getting our car on Wednesday. Which will greatly increase our quality of life, we will be able to do so much more with Kyra. Having her for 3 straight hours of quality time rather than an hour. We can do actually activities with her, we have her for 6 hours on Christmas eve and with luck my mom will be here as well and get to meet her. 🙂 I miss her, she was sick last week and we didn’t get to see her. We see her tomorrow night though so hopefully we get to go see Santa and get pictures taken. I cant wait to set up Kyras new room. Disney princess theme i think :D, a child of my own heart. ❤