So Rivers first Christmas & New Years, pretty good, we went and saw santa with my older daughter two weeks before the big day. Got a cute picture but the photographer wasn’t the best and it looks like my husband is an outsider by the way they positioned him. We celebrated Christmas on the 23rd and was able to have Kyra for 12 hours ( the longest we’ve ever had her) have Christmas breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as opening present and stockings. Play with new toys, and set up lego kits. It was really nice. She got spoiled but it was the first time we really got Christmas with her, so it makes up for the last couple years we hope (by no fault of our own, we would have loved to have her).

 River is growing, 17 and half lbs last time we weighed her a couple weeks ago, probably over 18 now though. She’s got her two bottom teeth fully in now and she’s a real biter. It’s taken a toll on our breast feeding journey, she bites me almost each time during the day, I end the nursing session and put her In her playpen, I say no, biting hurts mommy but I haven’t seen any real change since it started. It defiantly makes me wanna wean her, at least during the day, she takes formula fine, she is also eating breakfast and dinner on solids ( as much as she wants ) then topped up with breastmilk or a bottle. She’s eating pretty much everything we eat now. Haven’t tried peanut butter and a couple other major allergen foods yet but in the next month we will at least try some of them. 

She continues to be a terrible napper. Ussually 2, 20-30 min naps and one hour-hour and half long nap sporadically. Sometimes just one 20 min and one hour long one. Makes for a grumpy baby by bedtime. We have been putting her down and hour or two before we go to bed and having some couple time for the past few days and that’s been nice. 

She’s not quite crawling but she’s starting to scoot, push back and pull forward and she’s been an effective roller for awhile. She’d probably be crawling if we had carpet everywhere, but it’s only in the bedrooms which I like although hardwood isn’t fun to face plant onto. 

I packed all her clothes that were less then 6 months. She still fit some 3 month stuff but it was a couple weeks away from being too small and she just had entirely too many clothes. Now it’s 6 month and 9 month only and it’s about half as much as it was. Much more reasonable. 

She’s still using her soother but as it has mostly been just after she’s fallen asleep or if she’s in the car and going to fall asleep. She nurses to sleep still but not always for naps. She’s still up a lot to nurse during the night. Haven’t had longer than 3 hours sleep straight for a couple months but she’s teething again right now so ussually every hour during the night at the moment. It’s tough, im ussually sleep deprived which sucks. The alternative is to let her cry, which neither my husband or I can bare, so for now I’ll continue to suck it up and hope it’s better once she’s done this round of teething. 

She had her first sickness this past month, congestion and coughing. No fever or vomiting though. My husband and I both had the same cold, mine lasted a few days (Christmas eve and Christmas being the worst of it) but hers was about two weeks long and hubby’s became pneumonia as it often does and he’s still in the trenches though better then he was. She would wake up coughing in the middle of the night and it scared the heck out of us, sounded like she couldn’t catch her breath a couple times. We felt helpless but we brought her to the dr and he said it’s a seasonal cold and it would pass on its own and thankfully it did. We used Vicks rub each night but that’s about all we could do, other than hot showers ( running the shower but not being in it) to help loosen the congestion. I’m sure her immune system is better for it but it was mighty scary. 

Other than that not a lot else to report, healthy beginnings we aged out of, so we are going to a mothers wellness group instead and actively looking for other groups to attend to make some baby friends and other mom friends. Winter is a lonely time for a first time mom I’m finding, so hopefully there are friends on the horizon 🙂